Colorado Springs Dental Implants Non-standard rivet Factory and Bridges: IntroductionMissing a tooth or many teeth is not something we can really avoid – which is not to say that there is no point in looking after your pearly whites; rather, tooth loss with age becomes inevitable. And if you consider that accidental trauma, decay, gum disease, certain medications, chronic illness, genetics, a failed root canal and a myriad of other causes lie behind single and multiple missing teeth, thinking about a tooth replacement solution becomes an exercise we will all at some stage need to engage in, whether it be for ourselves, a partner or even for our children.There are several different kinds of dental technologies available today, all of which boast their own advantages and shortcomings, but the most sophisticated of them all is widely agreed by medical professionals to be Colorado Springs dental implants.
Dental bridges are also quite popular due to their lower initial price tag; however, this technology comes with some hidden fine print that perhaps patients should be aware of. This article - the first installment of a two part series - strives to analyze the key differences between Colorado Springs dental implants and bridges, so that you – the patient - can make the most informed decision when it comes to addressing the need to replace a lost tooth or several missing teeth.What are Colorado Springs Dental Implants?Colorado Springs Dental implants are tiny titanium screws that are inserted into a predrilled socket at the site/s of the missing tooth or teeth. To the top of the abutment or ‘collar’ of this titanium post, a qualified and experienced implant dentist will place a custom fabricated ceramic tooth crown. This artificial tooth is carefully made to be virtually indistinguishable – in aesthetics and functionality - from a natural, healthy tooth.
The benefits of Colorado Springs dental implants have much to do with the fact that titanium metal is capable of forming a strong biological bond with bone tissue; a process termed ‘osseointegration’. As such, once healing has taken place, Colorado Springs dental implants become a free-standing and non-removable solution to missing teeth; one that is extremely strong and can last 20 to 30 years or more. Unlike dental bridges, implants cause absolutely no damage to the neighboring teeth and in fact promote dental stability, while preserving the health of the underlying jaw bone tissue. Colorado Springs dental implants also feel just like natural healthy teeth, so patients never complain of feeling conscious about having an artificial tooth in their mouth.
In aesthetics, functionality, comfort and long term oral health, dental implants really represent a fantastic investment.Colorado Springs Dental Implants: Stay Tuned… Stay tuned for the second part of this article series on the difference between the two tooth replacement technologies; Colorado Springs dental implants and bridges. In the next installment, we shall be explaining what dental bridges are and their advantages and shortcomings. Armed with this information, patients can make a more educated choice on a tooth replacement solution that is right for them.Michele Johnson is working as a dental Scanning operator who has done 3D CAT scanning of patients seeking for aesthetic tooth replacement at Colorado Springs dental.